166 research outputs found

    An Anonymous Credit Card System

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    Credit cards have many important benefits; however, these same benefits often carry with them many privacy concerns. In particular, the need for users to be able to monitor their own transactions, as well as bank's need to justify its payment requests from cardholders, entitle the latter to maintain a detailed log of all transactions its credit card customers were involved in. A bank can thus build a profile of each cardholder even without the latter's consent. In this paper, we present a practical and accountable anonymous credit system based on ecash, with a privacy preserving mechanism for error correction and expense-reporting

    Formalizing group blind signatures and practical constructions without random oracles

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    Group blind signatures combine anonymity properties of both group signatures and blind signatures and offer privacy for both the message to be signed and the signer. The primitive has been introduced with only informal definitions for its required security properties. In this paper, we offer two main contributions: first, we provide foundations for the primitive and present formal security definitions. In the process, we identify and address some subtle issues which were not considered by previous constructions and (informal) security definitions. Our second main contribution is a generic construction that yields practical schemes with a round-optimal signing protocol and constant-size signatures. Our constructions permit dynamic and concurrent enrollment of new members and satisfy strong security requirements. To the best of our knowledge, our schemes are the first provably secure constructions in the standard model. In addition, we introduce some new building blocks which may be of independent interest. © 2013 Springer-Verlag

    Efficient noninteractive certification of RSA moduli and beyond

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    In many applications, it is important to verify that an RSA public key (N; e) speci es a permutation over the entire space ZN, in order to prevent attacks due to adversarially-generated public keys. We design and implement a simple and e cient noninteractive zero-knowledge protocol (in the random oracle model) for this task. Applications concerned about adversarial key generation can just append our proof to the RSA public key without any other modi cations to existing code or cryptographic libraries. Users need only perform a one-time veri cation of the proof to ensure that raising to the power e is a permutation of the integers modulo N. For typical parameter settings, the proof consists of nine integers modulo N; generating the proof and verifying it both require about nine modular exponentiations. We extend our results beyond RSA keys and also provide e cient noninteractive zero- knowledge proofs for other properties of N, which can be used to certify that N is suitable for the Paillier cryptosystem, is a product of two primes, or is a Blum integer. As compared to the recent work of Auerbach and Poettering (PKC 2018), who provide two-message protocols for similar languages, our protocols are more e cient and do not require interaction, which enables a broader class of applications.https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/057First author draf

    On the Gold Standard for Security of Universal Steganography

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    While symmetric-key steganography is quite well understood both in the information-theoretic and in the computational setting, many fundamental questions about its public-key counterpart resist persistent attempts to solve them. The computational model for public-key steganography was proposed by von Ahn and Hopper in EUROCRYPT 2004. At TCC 2005, Backes and Cachin gave the first universal public-key stegosystem - i.e. one that works on all channels - achieving security against replayable chosen-covertext attacks (SS-RCCA) and asked whether security against non-replayable chosen-covertext attacks (SS-CCA) is achievable. Later, Hopper (ICALP 2005) provided such a stegosystem for every efficiently sampleable channel, but did not achieve universality. He posed the question whether universality and SS-CCA-security can be achieved simultaneously. No progress on this question has been achieved since more than a decade. In our work we solve Hopper's problem in a somehow complete manner: As our main positive result we design an SS-CCA-secure stegosystem that works for every memoryless channel. On the other hand, we prove that this result is the best possible in the context of universal steganography. We provide a family of 0-memoryless channels - where the already sent documents have only marginal influence on the current distribution - and prove that no SS-CCA-secure steganography for this family exists in the standard non-look-ahead model.Comment: EUROCRYPT 2018, llncs styl

    Privacy-preserving automated exposure notification

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    Contact tracing is an essential component of public health efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. Automating parts of the contact tracing process has the potential to significantly increase its scalability and efficacy, but also raises an array of privacy concerns, including the risk of unwanted identification of infected individuals and clandestine collection of privacy-invasive data about the population at large. In this paper, we focus on automating the exposure notification part of contact tracing, which notifies people who have been in close proximity to infected people of their potential exposure to the virus. This work is among the first to focus on the privacy aspects of automated exposure notification. We introduce two privacy-preserving exposure notification schemes based on proximity detection. Both systems are decentralized - no central entity has access to sensitive data. The first scheme is simple and highly efficient, and provides strong privacy for non-diagnosed individuals and some privacy for diagnosed individuals. The second scheme provides enhanced privacy guarantees for diagnosed individuals, at some cost to efficiency. We provide formal definitions for automated exposure notification and its security, and we prove the security of our constructions with respect to these definitions.First author draf

    Securing Remote Access Inside Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) that are being increasingly deployed in communities and public places provide a relatively stable routing infrastructure and can be used for diverse carrier-managed services. As a particular example we consider the scenario where a mobile device initially registered for the use with one wireless network (its home network) moves to the area covered by another network inside the same mesh. The goal is to establish a secure access to the home network using the infrastructure of the mesh. Classical mechanisms such as VPNs can protect end-to-end communication between the mobile device and its home network while remaining transparent to the routing infrastructure. In WMNs this transparency can be misused for packet injection leading to the unnecessary consumption of the communication bandwidth. This may have negative impact on the cooperation of mesh routers which is essential for the connection establishment. In this paper we describe how to establish remote connections inside WMNs while guaranteeing secure end-to-end communication between the mobile device and its home network and secure transmission of the corresponding packets along the underlying multi-hop path. Our solution is a provably secure, yet lightweight and round-optimal remote network access protocol in which intermediate mesh routers are considered to be part of the security architecture. We also sketch some ideas on the practical realization of the protocol using known standards and mention extensions with regard to forward secrecy, anonymity and accounting

    From Rerandomizability to Sequential Aggregation: Efficient Signature Schemes Based on SXDH Assumption

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    An aggregate signature allows one to generate a short aggregate of signatures from different signers on different messages. A sequential aggregate signature (SeqAS) scheme allows the signers to aggregate their individual signatures in a sequential manner. All existing SeqAS schemes that do not use the random oracle assumption either require a large public key or the security depends upon some non-standard interactive/static assumptions. In this paper, we present an efficient SeqAS scheme with constant-size public key under the SXDH assumption. In the process, we first obtain an optimized (and more efficient) variant of Libert et al\u27s randomizable signature scheme. While both the schemes are more efficient than the currently best ones that rely on some static assumption, they are only slightly costlier than the most efficient ones based on some interactive assumption

    Practical Group-Signatures with Privacy-Friendly Openings

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    Group signatures allow creating signatures on behalf of a group, while remaining anonymous. To prevent misuse, there exists a designated entity, named the opener, which can revoke anonymity by generating a proof which links a signature to its creator. Still, many intermediate cases have been discussed in the literature, where not the full power of the opener is required, or the users themselves require the power to claim (or deny) authorship of a signature and (un-)link signatures in a controlled way. However, these concepts were only considered in isolation. We unify these approaches, supporting all these possibilities simultaneously, providing fine-granular openings, even by members. Namely, a member can prove itself whether it has created a given signature (or not), and can create a proof which makes two created signatures linkable (or unlinkable resp.) in a controlled way. Likewise, the opener can show that a signature was not created by a specific member and can prove whether two signatures stem from the same signer (or not) without revealing anything else. Combined, these possibilities can make full openings irrelevant in many use-cases. This has the additional benefit that the requirements on the reachability of the opener are lessened. Moreover, even in the case of an involved opener, our framework is less privacy-invasive, as the opener no longer requires access to the signed message. Our provably secure black-box CCA-anonymous construction with dynamic joins requires only standard building blocks. We prove its practicality by providing a performance evaluation of a concrete instantiation, and show that our non-optimized implementation is competitive compared to other, less feature-rich, notions
